Wings for NONMEM Installation
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Last Updated: 12 March 2022
These instructions assume you have
already installed NONMEM and a Fortran compiler and wish to install WFN to
change the way you use an existing NONMEM installation.
WFN will only work after NONMEM and a Fortran
compiler have already been installed. You must be able to identify the file
directory paths ('home directory') for NONMEM and the compiler in order to complete the installation of WFN.
There are 3 'home' directories that
need to be identified. A home directory contains files and sub-directories used
by each main component i.e. WFN, NONMEM and the F77
compiler. Typical values for these home directories are:
for NONMEM C:\nm751\wfn7
NONMEM C:\nm751
Compiler C:\Program Files\gfortran
Note the home directory is not the
same as the directory containing executable files such as the compiler program.
These executable files are found in sub-directories of the home directory e.g. in gfortran\bin for the gfortran compiler.
Installing WFN depends on how NONMEM
has been installed and the compiler that is used. The NONMEM distribution from
Icon Development Systems has a suggested installation for use with the Intel
Visual Fortran, gfortran and g95 compilers. These
compilers are also supported by WFN.
WFN is distributed as wfn***.exe (where *** is
the version number e.g. 751). Open the wfn***.exe
file. You will be presented with options for extracting the contents. You
should extract into the WFN home directory. It can be any directory you choose.
The suggested default for extracting files when you run wfn***.exe is
C:\nm751\wfn7. Check the “Unzip to folder” option and then click on Unzip.
After the files have been extracted you may close the WinZip Self-Extractor
The WFN home directory will be referred to as WFNHOME
in the following description. Note that when environment variables such as
WFNHOME are used as part of a Windows command expression they are written as
%WFNHOME%. When environment variables are set the surrounding % is not used to
define the variable name.
Extracting files from wfn***.exe creates a %WFNHOME%\bin
directory which contains the WFN command files, a %WFNHOME%\web
directory which contains this documentation and a %WFNHOME%\run
directory which contains some examples which you can use to run nmgo and qualify your installation.
You will need to use a
Windows shortcut to open an MS-DOS prompt window and invoke a special startup
batch file (wfn.bat). You will need to know the full path to wfn.bat.
It is in %WFNHOME%\bin e.g. C:\nm751\wfn7\bin.
On the Windows desktop
make a right click and select New Shortcut. When prompted to "Type the
location of the item" enter %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe
/k followed by the full path for wfn.bat e.g.
%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /k C:\nm751\wfn7\bin\wfn.bat
where C:\nm751\wfn7 should be changed to reflect your WFN home directory
Creating WFN.BAT
It is essential that you create a file called wfn.bat.
You may do this by using the wfn.txt file in the %WFNHOME% directory
copy C:\nm751\wfn7\bin\wfn.txt
open wfn.txt in a text editor and save as wfn.bat.
wfn.bat is used to set up environment
variables when you open a Command Prompt window. These variables are used to
individualize your WFN installation.
Open wfn.bat
in a text editor and look for the sections marked:
rem ******* Check this ************.
Be prepared to make changes to wfn.bat that
reflect the setup of WFN, NONMEM and the Fortran compiler you use. The changes
you make are to the Command Prompt environment variables.
· Location of WFN and NONMEM
Change the
NMHOME value to the directory which has your installation of NONMEM files in it
(e.g. C:\nm751).
WFNHOME to reflect the directory you used when extracting files from wfnxxx.exe
(e.g. C:\nm751\wfn7).
rem ******* Check this ************
set NMHOME=C:\nm751
set WFNHOME=C:\nm751\wfn7
· Location of Fortran Compiler and Compiler
Change the
F77HOME to the directory your compiler uses as its home. Usually
it has a bin subdirectory in it that contains the compiler executable
files. Do not include the \bin as part of F77HOME. Specific examples are shown
Change F77VER to
one of the following compiler types:
ivf - Intel Fortran Version 10
ivf11 -
Intel Fortran Version 11
gf -
g95 –
Note these compiler types are not
necessarily the same as the compiler executable name.
F77HOME to the home directory for the gfortran
compiler and set the compiler version F77VER to gf e.g.
set F77HOME=C:\Program Files\gfortran
set F77VER=gf
Change F77HOME to the home directory
for the ivf compiler. Set the compiler version F77VER
to ivf
set F77HOME=C:\Program
set F77VER=ivf
Change F77HOME to the home directory
for the ivf11 compiler. Set the compiler version F77VER to ivf11
set F77HOME=C:\Program
set F77VER=iv11
The ivf11 compiler may also to know
about Microsoft Visual Studio tools. If you get error messages during
compilation suggesting an installation problem then you should go to the :ivf11 section of wfn.bat (search for the text
":ivf11") and enable the setting of VS80COMNTOOLS
by removing the ‘rem’ at the start of the line.
Check the VS80COMNTOOLS directory by
comparing it with the actual directory path e.g.
set VS80COMNTOOLS=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio 8\Common7\Tools
Change F77HOME
to the home directory for the g95 compiler and set the compiler version F77VER
to g95 e.g.
set F77HOME=C:\MingW
set F77VER=g95
Paths to Other Software
rem ******* Other Software ******
rem If you use Crossgraphs then set CGHOME
set CGHOME=C:\Program Files\PPD Informatics\CrossGraphs
rem If you use nmvpc or R or Rstudio then set RPATH
set RPATH=C:\Program Files\R\R-4.0.3\bin\x64;C:\Program Files\R\RStudio_1.3.1093\bin
rem If you use Monolix
then set MLXVER and MONOLIXDATA rem set MLXVER=
rem if '%MLXVER%=='432 echo export MONOLIX=/share/apps/monolix/noarch/Monolix432s>>%nmgridsh%
if '%MLXVER%=='432 set
rem set MONOLIXDATA="C:\Documents
and Settings\nhol004\monolixData"
rem If you use the NeSI
grid then set NESI_HOME
rem set NESI_HOME=C:\Program Files\NeSI tools
You need to be aware that there are 2
steps in compilation of NONMEM. The first step is performed at installation of
NONMEM and creates a set of obj files
and a nonmem.lib library. This
compilation step is only repeated if you make changes to NONMEM source code and
rerun the NONMEM setup72.bat. The second is when the user supplied
sub-routine FSUBS created by NM-TRAN is compiled and linked with the pre-compiled
object files. This happens every time that nmgo
is used.
The compiler options used by WFN are set in wfn.bat. The default values
are the same as those used by setup74.bat. They are displayed when wfn.bat
is executed e.g. for the Intel Fortran compiler:
F77OPT =/Gs /nologo /nbs /w /Ob1gyti /Qprec_div
and can also be found in the *.log file created in the
run sub-directory e.g.
ifort /Gs
/nologo /nbs /w /Ob1gyti /Qprec_div /4Yportlib /Fetheopd FSUBS.for @link.txt
The compiler options in wfn.bat may be changed by modifying the compiler
specific section of wfn.bat where F77OPT is set. You should take care
that the compiler options used for both of these
compilation steps are identical by ensuring that the options for the compiler
in setup74.bat match the options in wfn.bat.
The standard NONMEM group installation creates an nmfe74.bat file with
the compiler options set in the environment variable op. It includes a run time /traceback option that slows down
execution by about 10% and has little value for users. The WFN Fortran compiler
options do not include this option by default. It can be activated by setting
the environment variable F77TRACE=y in wfn.bat.
If you compare the results of NONMEM
runs using both nmfe74 and nmgo and
discover small differences in the output of NONMEM then this is most likely due
to using different compiler options. Be sure to check the compiler options that
are set in nmfe74.bat and wfn.bat.
It has been suggested that using other
options with the Intel Visual Fortran compiler may give more consistent results
across different versions of NONMEM.
On 24/05/2011 8:59 a.m., Rik
Schoemaker wrote to nmusers:
Dear all,
In contrast to
Dieter's findings, I can assure you it is very well possible to set up MPI on a
Windows 7 64 bit installation if you use Intel Visual
If you use the
following compiler settings:
set op=/Gs /nologo /nbs /w /fp:strict
-fp-model strict -Gs -nologo -nbs -w -static
you will get
identical results for NONMEM 7.1, NONMEM 7.2, with and without MPI on Windows 7
64 bit, Linux and Mac OSX providing you have the same Fortran compiler version
(we use 11.1). I can assure you that this is definitely not
the case when you use the default settings.
WFN Options
There are five WFN options in wfn.bat that you
may wish to change:
Use the WFN shortcut to open an MS-DOS window. You
should see a short list showing the variables WFN is using (OS will be blank if
you are not using Windows NT). Here is an example using the gfortran
compiler settings:
WFNHOME =C:\nm751\wfn7
F77HOME =C:\Program Files\Apps\gfortran
=-O3 -ffast-math -w
LIBRARY_PATH=C:\Program Files\Apps\gfortran\lib
Assuming you start in
C:\nm751\wfn7\run you should see the DOS prompt:
If necessary
you should change to the wfn7\run directory. There is no need to do this if you
start in the C:\nm751\wfn7\run directory.
cd C:\nm751\wfn7\run
Then run NONMEM using the nmgo command. The
run directory contains theopd.ctl and an
associated data file, theopd.dat. If you have changed the NMCTL value from .ctl then you will
need to rename theopd.ctl to your preferred
extension e.g. if you change NMCTL to .mod then rename theopd.ctl to theopd.mod before trying to use
the nmgo command.
nmgo theopd
If nmgo runs correctly you should
see this when it finishes (results and the timing information in the last line
will depend on the computer and compiler you use):
theopd.lst 5801.321 FOCE
eval=295 sig=+4.2 sub=153 obs=574 NM7.5.1
= 139 191 8.8
= 0.099 0.268 1.463
ETAPval = 0.346 0.000 0.605
ETAshrSD% = 81.1 55.9 35.8
EBVshrSD% = 81.8 59.6 29.9
EBVshREL% = 0.6 5.6 8.6
EPSshrSD% = 9.3
= 81.055
THETA:se% = 7.3 13.2 35.2
ETASD:se% = 172.7 21.8 17.5
EPSSD:se% = 5.4
Ttot 0:6.96 Test 0:1.99 Tcov
0:0.75 Ttcl 0:4.2
Once you have qualified the installation you can go
ahead and use nmgo
on your own data. You can execute nmgo from any directory you wish but the NMTRAN control
stream file (e.g. theopd.ctl)
must be in the current directory. Do not attempt to use a path to point to a
control stream in another directory.
You may test the use of the file passing interface (fpi) and the message passing interface (mpi)
with the fpi.bat and mpi.bat commands in the %wfnhome%\run
directory e.g. the following commands will run fpi then mpi with the theopd problem assuming two nodes are available on your
cd C:\nm751\wfn7\run
fpi 2
mpi 2
WFN supports parallel processing of NONMEM execution
on Windows machines e.g. Windows Server or Windows 10.
The NM751 installation document recommends using the
Microsoft MPI system rather than MPICH2. See guides\nm751.pdf p 290
Instructions and materials for Microsoft MPI
installation are located at
Using MSMPI involves installation using msmpisetup.exe.
MSMPI has to be installed on a local hard disk for
every computer using MPI. By default it is installed
in C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\
Follow the instructions in msmpi_read.pdf to copy the files
in msmpi\mpi_wing to the
NONMEM installation mpi\mpi_wing
folder (accept any overwrites). Then open a WFN shortcut and run msmpi_buildg.bat.
This creates the gfortran specific files needed to
run MPI. It may take a while to complete.
The nmloc.bat file located in the top folder of then
NONMEM installation must be updated in all parts with the appropriate
information. Ignore the misleading comments in nmloc.bat which suggests assignment
to environment variables can be left blank.
MPI on Windows Server may ask for smpd
passphrase. If your Windows password is not accepted
then try this:
mpiexec –remove ; remove your account and password (if
it already exists)
mpiexec –register ;
enter your account name and Windows password
mpiexec –validate ;
should show SUCCESS
Starting Parallel Execution of NONMEM
Parallel execution of mpi runs with WFN is controlled by the cpus
environment variable. By setting this variable before running nmgo you will be able to use MPI with nmgo,
nmbs and nmbsgosim.
set cpus=2
nmgo theopd
The commands above are equivalent to
using mpi.bat with an argument of 2.
It is simple to use MPI with any
NONMEM run just by setting the cpus environment
Stopping Parallel Execution of NONMEM
To stop using MPI then unset cpus:
set cpus=
When cpus is
not set parallel execution of NONMEM is not used.
the NESI Grid
If you have access to the NESI grid you can use WFN to submit jobs and
use multiple CPUs on the grid. See the NESI Grid
installation instructions.
It is normal to see a message from NM-TRAN giving
warnings like this:
It is also normal to find this at the end of the log
file created in the run directory:
If you have problems running WFN please let me know
and I will try to help. It is helpful if you make a copy of the WFN window that
appears immediately after opening the WFN shortcut and send this to me. If you
right click on the WFN window title bar you will see an Edit option. Use this
to Mark and Copy the WFN window contents and paste it into an email. Please
also send a copy of the screen showing error messages and the command you typed
that led to the error. Please do not
use PrtSc to create bit map screen dumps!
If you wish to remove all wfn
files please use the unwfn\unwfn.bat
DOS batch command file. Open a DOS window, change to the %WFNHOME%
directory and execute unwfn.bat . This will
leave the directory structure, any files not installed by wfn
and the unwfn\unwfn.bat file. You may
delete the unwfn and unwfn.bat file.
cd C:\nm751\wfn7
See the NONMEM Versions
page for instructions on using more than one version of NONMEM with WFN.
Installation of NONMEM using the
%WFNHOME%\nminstall.bat is the simplest way to do this.
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