

Last updated 6 October 2024

NextDose is a web-based Bayesian dose forecasting tool.

See GitHub Readme for further details of version changes.

06-Oct-2024: v 2.2.00: - Fix for user entered commas entered instead of decimal points for numerical values prior to version 2.0.05.

12-Sep-2024: v 2.1.05: - Bug fix for trough target dose units.

08-Sep-2024: v 1.10.0 - Deleting a patient deletes the patient, records, and record rows from the database, and associated result data from the disk, rather than archiving. Deleting a record/report deletes the record and record row from the database, and associated result data from the disk, rather than archiving.

01-Sep-2024: v 2.1.04: - Bug fix for AUCocc (dose units and bioavailability).

24-Aug-2024: v 2.1.03: Tacrolimus Update. Storset 2024 model now includes CYP3A4 metaboliser genotypes (*1/*1 normal and *22 poor). Storset 2024 B model also includes early post-transplant effect on bioavailability and bug fix for this effect.

28-Jun-2024: v 2.1.02: Bug fix for FirstDose doses for busulfan.

17-Jun-2024: v 2.1.01: AUC occ and AUC_T1 and AUC_T2 may be used at the same time. AUC_T1 and AUC_T2 may be used, but not AUC occ, with a cumulative AUC target.

31-May-2024: v 2.0.11: Bug fix for AUC_T1 and AUC_T2 when value is specified ".".

24-May-2024: v 2.0.10: Bug fix for voriconazole target summary with CssAvg target.

28-Apr-2024: v 2.0.09: May use observation date and time with "." for value or enter values in hours since start of concentration predictions. Multiple AUC_T1_T2 observations have been enabled.

18-Apr-2024: v 2.0.08: Bug fix for time after dose target.

14-Apr-2024: v 2.0.07: Bug fix for repeated steady state dose records. Bug fix when steady state actual dose interval is not the same as the target dose interval.

08-Mar-2024: v 2.0.06: Predictions limited for early events when long follow up exceeds prediction records limit.

Version 2.0.05 - 06-Feb-2024

- Bug fix for user entered commas entered instead of decimal points for numerical values. Identification of user who ran the Results calculation to help teams working on NextDose. Increased default for run execution time to reduce timeout errors. Added AUC occ observation type for busulfan to allow more detailed reporting when the target is not a cumulative AUC. Changed significant number of decimal digits so they are consistent across calculated output values.


Version 2.0.04 - 05-Jan-2024

- Bug fix for AUC_T1 and AUC_T2


Version 2.0.03 - 14-Dec-2023

- Clearance values use consistent numerical format.


Version 2.0.02 - 09-Nov-2023

- Bug fix to show last cumulative AUC dose and activation of Show More for cumulative AUC target.


Version 2.0.01 - 05-Nov-2023

- Improved calculation of doses to achieve a cumulative AUC target.


Version 2.0.00 - 01-Nov-2023

- AUC observation types.


Version 1.9.16 - 17-Oct-2023

- Smaller time intervals for tacrolimus for better graph predictions with many doses.


Version 1.9.15 - 25-Sep-2023

- Bug fix for user specified dosing interval in gentamicin, tobramycin, amikacin, vancomycin models.


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Version 1.9.14 - 2023-07-09

- Updated versions of gentamicin, tobramycin, amikacin, vancomycin models

Version 1.9.13 - 2023-05-05

- Results page shows target AUC with standard integration interval rather than user specified dosing interval

Version 1.9.12 - 2023-04-28

- Fix: Tacrolimus time after transplant when non-SS doses start more than  3 days after transplant


Version 1.9.11 - 2023-02-24

- Fix: Time course on graphs using Repeat Doses improved


Version 1.9.10 - 2023-02-20

- Fix: Changes to text describing proposed dose with cumulative AUC target


Version 1.9.9 - 2022-11-29

- Fix: Print report infusion duration and time-since-dose formatting changed


Version 1.9.8 - 2022-10-17

- Feature: Busulfan 3 day cumulative AUC target option added


Version 1.9.7 - 2022-9-29

- Fix: For linezolid error when serum creatinine not supplied


Version 1.9.6 - 2022-9-27

- Fix: For FirstDose mode with user defined PO dose and default IV route


Version 1.9.9

- Print report infusion duration and time-since-dose formatting


Version 1.9.8

- Busulfan 3 day cumulative AUC target option added


Version 1.9.7

- Bug fix for linezolid error when serum creatinine not supplied


Version 1.9.6

- Bug fix for FirstDose mode with user defined PO dose and default IV route

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Version 1.9.5 - 2022-9-26

- Feature: Notify admin of new user account. Clickable link to delete spam user

- Fix: Medicines now list alphabetically in add medicine drop down

- Fix: Contact details and email addresses updated


Version 1.9.4 - 2022-7-09

- Fix: Enable clearer warning when cum AUC exceeds target


Version 1.9.3 - 2022-5-17

- Fix: Corrected proposed doses not matching Bayesian average dose.


Version 1.9.2 - 2022-5-01

- Feature: Improved display of user defined cumulative AUC target.


Version 1.9.2D - 2022-5-01

- Feature: "Show more" observation type implemented for cumulative AUC target.


Version 1.9.1 - 2022-4-28

- Fix: Corrected proposed IV and PO doses when PO doses administered before IV doses.


Version 1.9.0 - 2022-4-27

- Feature: Improved display of user defined AUC/MIC target.


Version 1.8.3 - 2022-4-25

- Fix: Corected cumulative AUC proposed dose for consistency with choice of dose prediction method


Version 1.8.2 - 2022-3-29

- Feature: Linezolid additional platelet units option (10^9/L)

- Fix: Results plot shows baseline platelet measurement.


Version 1.8.0 - 2022-3-25

- Feature: Ganciclovir (IV) and valganciclovir (PO) model released for NextDose.


Version 1.7.25 - 2022-2-07

- Update: Fat free mass prediction method for neonates, infants and children improved especially for neonates.

- Fix: Improved description of remaining doses for cumulative AUC target.


Version 1.7.24 - 2022-02-06

- Feature: Deleting a patient now permanently deletes the patient data, including associated records and record rows. Previously patients and data were archived.


Version 1.7.23 - 2021-09-19

- Fix: Improved description of remaining doses for cumulative AUC target.


Version 1.7.22 - 2021-09-19

- Feature: Fat free mass prediction method for neonates, infants and children improved especially for neonates.


Version 1.7.21 - 2021-09-11

- Fix: Predicted next to last dose for cumulative AUC was occasionally incorrect due to rounding error.


Version 1.7.20 - 2021-07-28

- Fix: 'Actual Dose' was occasionally incorrect when hematocrit was used to standardize predictions.


Version 1.7.19

- Fix: Busulfan cumulative AUC bug with 'what if' calculation fixed<br>

- Fix: Infusion duration end time before infusion start time bug fixed. Now reported as a data error.


Version 1.7.18D - 2021-03-09

- Feature: Ganciclovir and valganciclovir models (Acosta 2007, Caldes 2009, Jorga 2016, Krens 2020)


Version 1.7.17 - 2021-03-09

- Feature: Posaconazole model (Boonsathorn 2019)

- Fix: Trough target added to FirstDose


Version 1.7.16 - 2021-03-02

- Fix: erroneous imputed height warning when ht after wt. Fixed (2021-03-02)


Version 1.7.15 - 2020-12-24

- Feature: TAD target may use target dosing interval for trough time (CssTroughDI) (2020-12-11)

- Fix: height not imputed unless at least one dose given. Fixed (2020-12-12)

- Fix: single dose infusion duration was incorrect if it followed repeated dose infusions with a different dosing interval. Fixed (2020-12-24).


Version 1.7.14 - 2020-11-19

- Feature removal request: MIC observation type removed from gentamicin, amikacin, vancomycin on request of ADHB, CDHB.


Version 1.7.13 - 2020-11-11

- Fix: Bug occurring with repeated infusions with different infusion durations has been fixed (2020-11-11).


Version 1.7.12 - 2020-10-24

- Feature: Tobramycin models (uses GAVamycin gentamicin model and parameters)


Version 1.7.11 - 2020-09-21

- Feature: Target types include defined cumulative AUC duration e.g. mg/L*h (cum AUC 4 days) (2020-09-20)

- Feature: Vancomcyin default target type changed from AUCssDI to AUCss24 (2020-09-20)

- Fix: Bayesian average proposed dose bug fix for oral doses (2020-09-20)

- Feature: rs codes added for CYP4F2 and VKORC1 genotypes (2020-09-21)


Version 1.7.10 - 2020-09-09

- Feature: Amikacin target changed from 320 mg/L*h to 240 mg/L*h for consistency with GAV webpage (2020-08-25)

- Feature: Busulfan target changed from 0.77 mg/L to 0.94 mg/L for consistency with busulfan webpage (2020-09-02)

- Feature: Target types include defined AUC duration e.g. busulfan: mg/L*h (AUC 4 days), vancomycin: mg/L*h (AUCss24)

- Fix: drug_dat.awk printrecs() if (time+0<0.001) time=0 # NM-TRAN bug with very small time values

- Fix: drug_dat.awk printrecs() if (!hasweight) return ; in case weight is missing and ESTWEIGHT is not provided in event file

- Fix: drug_dat.awk end_subject() fixes finalization bug for multiple subjects


Version 1.7.9 - 2020-08-18

- Fix: delta() div by zero bug fixed


Version 1.7.8 - 2020-08-08

- Feature: Dabigatran models (Liesenfeld RE-LY 2011, Dansinkrul 2012)

- Fix: IV and PO route Bayesian average bug fix


Version 1.7.7 - 2020-07-08

- Feature: Repeated dose algorithm re-written to improve occasion detection and overlapping doses. Uses NONMEM ADDL for execution.

- Fix: Occasion counting bug fixed (in function printnca() in drug_dat.awk)


Version 1.7.6 - 2020-06-22

- Feature: Css avg value added after AUC target on results Target: line.

- Known bug: FSTREAM error when too many doses in data file (LIM6 error). Increasing LIM6 causes OS out of memory error.


Version 1.7.5 - 2020-06-16

- Feature: Warning shown for tacrolimus if day of transplant not supplied.

- Fix: Prediction insertion error. Fixed by not using last event time to add prediction in drug_dat.awk.


Version 1.7.4 - 2020-06-11

- Feature: Hard coded covariate names (e.g. cov1, cov2) no longer used. drug_fit.awk now uses COVN[*]

- Fix: Warfarin fT2PCA% incorrect. Fixed by changing NM-TRAN code

- Fix: Prediction bug with last actual or ADDL doses after obs. Fixed in drug_dat.awk (postDoseConcs() & extra call in insertPredConcDose() to addPredRec())

- Fix: ADDL dose times did not match originl dose times. Fixed in drug_dat_awk (add_addl_doses())


Version 1.7.3 - 2020-06-06

- Fix: GAVamycin models prior to 2020 not showing correct RFss, CPRss and CLcrSS. Fixed using 2020 NM-TRAN code.

- Fix: FirstDose calculation failed if an observation (e.g. INR) was included (#56). Fixed in drug_dat.awk.

- Fix: Long runs triggered a 5 s timeout prematurely. JS timeout increased to 31 s.


Version 1.7.2 - 2020-06-04

- Fix: Result not being shown without a manual refresh after making changes to records (#45)

- Fix: Charts without a specified startDateTime in the map file now correctly find this from the DB (#51)


Version 1.7.1 - 2020-06-02

- Revert an error check that inadvertently disabled FirstDose mode


Version 1.7.0 - 2020-06-01

- Feature: CRON-based daily DB backups

- Feature: Mark runs as actual, test, whatif in event file

- Feature: Time and date shown on x-axis in results chart (rather than hours)

- Feature: Demo patients shown on user home page

- Feature: Common NONMEM error messages extracted and shown in error log

- Feature: Dose errors shown in report and error log (drug_fit.awk)

- Colour-code nav menu (yellow=not yet run, green=actual, red=whatif

- Changed terminology describing demo patient in detailTab.php (removed reference to testing which may be confused with whatif simulation)

- Clearer explanation of actual vs what if dose prediction and confirmation questions (resultsTab.php)

- Bold labels and info question mark tags added to all input data on Patient Details page (detailsTab.php)

- Bold labels and info question mark tags added to all input data on Calculate page (resultsTab.php)

- Tabulate missing observations and any imputed values

- Tables for Trapezoid AUC & Bayesian predictions

- Colours for target and proposed dose lines

- Table for PK parameters and covariates

- Force browser refresh on build change

- Error log location shown in map file (run.bat)

- Update to Highcharts 8.0.4

- Update moment.js to v2.25.2

- Remove HTML5 shim library

- Remove phpass library

- FIX: NextDose cmd bug when using FirstDose mode with dependent variables (data_fit.awk)

- FIX: %diff from actual dose was not correct when target was not average steady state


Version 1.6.3 - 2020-04-25

- Security Updates

- FIX: Hotfix of endInf sort order bug


Version 1.6.2 - 2020-04-23

- Deployment via GitHub

- Change log to GitHub

- Issue tracking via GitHub

- Unified dev and www code - the same constants.php file now exists across both versions

- FIX: Infusion duration unit select

- FIX: New members added from Group modal not being added to demo group

- FIX: Infusion end times listed in csv at dose start time


Version 1.6.1 - 2020-02-11

-           Printable report comments field expanded to multiple lines (textarea)

-           Patient details comment field enlarged


Version 1.6.0 - 2019-03-11

-           CYP3A5 genotype variants added to typeobs for tacrolimus

-           2019-03-07

-           Input box width widened for model and target units in resultsTab.php

-           2019-03-03

-           Metz2018_AVG, Metz2019, Metz2019_AVG models added for mycophenolate

-           Albumin added as typeobs (for use with mycophenolate)

-           2019-02-22

-           Target conc for mycophenolate changed from 40 to 50 mcg/L unbound.

-           2019-02-12

-           Target label format made consistent in nextdose and dev.nextdose for mycophenolate, vancomycin, amikacin, gentamicin (now units followed by type in parentheses)

-           2019-01-31

-           Link to NextDose web on Manual page

-           2019-01-28

-           Minimum value for height changed to 30 cm (very premature neonate at 24 weeks is 31 male, 32 female)

-           2019-01-27

-           About button on login page linked to NextDose web (

-           NextDose alerts moved from login page to NextDose web updates (

-           NextDose background moved from login page to NextDose web background (

-           2019-01-26

-           Sort static observations (genotypes) alphabetically on the patient details tab

-           Added medicines: gentamicin, amikacin, vancomycin, caffeine, mycophenolate

-           Minor visual tweaks to printable report

-           Fix: Report.txt now utf8 encoded to avoid runtime errors with special characters

-           Fix: Group modal now supports group IDs greater than a single character


Version 1.5.1 -            2018-12-13

-           Quick start text "help menu" changed to "Manual" to match actual menu item name

-           2018-12-08

-           Many changes to database to allow new medicines: gentamicin, amikacin, vancomycin, caffeine, mycophenolate

-           2018-08-16

-           busulfan PK 2015 model removed from model list

-           2018-08-15

-           Bayesian Forecasting section on home page updated

-           AVG models with more explanation announced on home page below login

-           predicted dose from end of interval announced on home page below login

-           2018-07-29

-           AVG models announced on home page

-           predicted dose from end of interval announced on home page

            -AVG models added to model lists


            -NextDose version changed in C:\Web\www\\inc\constants.php


Version 1.5.0 -            2018-07-11

-           Comedications not recognized in FirstDose mode. The if ($beforeFirstDose)section was disabled in calculate.php.

-           2017-09-24

-           Many changes to allow new medicines: warfarin, linezolid, and voriconazole.

-           Model selection

-           Age on printable report is now relative to the date of last observation

-           Date format on printable report now reflects user preference

-           Multiple series on charts

-           Genotypes moved to patient details tab because they are static

-           Add/edit comment directly on printable report

-           Printable report tidy-ups

-           Dependent variables now displayed on printable report

-           Date placeholder changes to YYYY-MM-DD

-           Progress bar added while calculating

-           DV checkboxes now hidden in FirstDose mode

-           Group and demo status saved to event format csv file

-           Users can now signup without an invite

-           Buttons/checkboxes are disabled for read only patients

-           Help alert added for new users to find example patients

-           New site layout

-           FIX: Broken links

-           FIX: New row uses previous row's units if same observation type

-           FIX: Group organisation input editing

-           Added moment.js and bootstrap-editable libraries

-           Updated to Highcharts 5.0.6

-           Changed from bootstrap-datepicker to bootstrap-datetimepicker library

-           DB additions: records.dv, records.execTime, medicines.models, medicines.maxExecTime, typesobs.static, patients.obs,

                        users.groupCode, users.groupRequested

-           DB changes: typesobs.dv renamed typesobs.dvid


Version 1.4.2 - 2016-11-1

- Bugfix to prevent saving patients to read-only groups

- Changed Demo Group id so that it populates last


Version 1.4.1 - 2016-09-1

- Bugfix replaced SwiftMailer with SendGrid


Version 1.4.0 - 2015-01-25

- FirstDose mode enabled

- Chart legend items now hide if the series is empty


Version 1.3.4 - 2015-01-24

- Observations can now be  date/time only (value hidden and replaced with ".")


Version 1.3.3 - 2015-01-24

- Updated to Highcharts 4.0.4

- Bugfix where chart would fail if a series was empty


Version 1.3.2 -            2014-01-11

-           Migrated host from morphine to methotrexate


Version 1.3.1 -            2013-11-15

-           Fixed email sending bug (switched mailhosts)

-           Fixed a bug where group name changes were not preserved

-           Stopped deleted patients showing up in recent patient list

-           Stopped deleted patients being visible

-           Removed ability to restore deleted patients?


Version 1.3 -   2013-11-07

-           Changed new group text on invite page

-           Removed Persona

-           Datepicker changed to avoid changing to current date by accident

-           Restored account creation functionality

-           Site and app directory revised

-           JS and CSS are now versioned automatically by mtime

-           Updated from mysql to mysqli

-           Updated Highcharts to 3.0.7

-           Updated to Bootstrap 2.3.2

-           Updated to Bootstrap Datepicker to 1.2.0

-           Updated to jQuery 1.8.3

-           Updated to Swift Mailer 5.0.1


Version 1.2 -   2012-10-05

-           Removed beta label from versioning

-           Changed time placeholder to HH:MM

-           Layout changes in the input form to improve clarity/consistency of input

-           Updated to bootstrap 2.1.1

-           Updated to highcharts 2.3.2

-           Updated to jquery 1.8.2

-           Updated datepicker to 4805a1b

-           Patients are no longer listed. They are now searched for with an AJAX typeahead

-           Layout optimisation for smaller screens (4:3 hospital computers)

-           Terminology change: patients are now deleted/restored instead of closed/reopened

-           Logging of database changes

-           Added ability to mark patients as test/demonstration patients

-           Added a check to prevent real patients being added under the DevTeam group accidentally

-           Patient sex selector changed to radio buttons for clarity

-           Added cancel/back button to delete record screen for consistency

-           Added tooltip/help icon framework

-           Graph lines can now start from 0, resolving a bug caused by enabling logarithmic graphs

-           Report view displays infusions durations in hours and minutes if endInf is specified

-           Long lists of records are hidden, with the option to expand them, to improve clarity

-           Recent patient list

-           Starred/favourited patient list

-           Added a check to prevent accidental loss of unsaved changes when navigating away from edited patient details

-           Added check for unit inconsistencies during preflight

-           BLQ can now be entered in the format <LLQ e.g. <20

-           Patient details save button disabling works as expected now


Version beta1.1.5 -     2012-09-17

-           Fixed a bug where inaccurate infusion durations were shown in report view

-           Changed webserver config to prevent directory listing

-           Wording changes on report view


Version beta1.1.4 - 2012-08-27

-           Changed infDur to come after dose and before endInf on csv file


Version beta1.1.3 -     2012-08-27

-           Revert dose, covariate and DV record csv order to fix bug introduced in last version


Version beta1.1.2 -     2012-08-26

-           Bug fixes

-           Fixed a bug where adding a new patient would require a refresh in order to add a medicine

-           Changed order of dosInt, target, dose, covariate and DV records when written to csv


Version beta1.1.1 -     2012-07-14

-           Fixed a bug that caused infusion duration to be shown for oral doses

-           Fixed a bug that prevented the hiding of lab and sample arrival inputs for clinical observations

-           Version number is now shown on the results tab and in print view

-           Min app width set to 1010px (tested in Chrome and Firefox)


Version beta1.1 -        2012-07-14

-           Typo corrected that prevented steady state observations from being calculated

-           Fixed bugs that caused some events to fire multiple times (closing patient, creating new patient)

-           Fixed bugs that caused inappropriate duplication of records

-           Tidied up layout when screen width is less than 1200px. Min app width set to 1000px.

-           Added search functionality to the patient list

-           Reformatted the patient and history lists

-           Fixed weight estimation

-           Users are now redirected to log back in if the session times out

-           Estimated weights are marked as estweight in the csv file


Version beta 1.0.1 -    2012-06-25

-           dosInt => ii

-           interval => dosInt

-           ndose record type now writes to csv correctly

-           Tacrolimus route changed from IV to PO

-           Serum creatinine added as an obs type for tacrolimus


Version beta 1.0.1 -    2012-06-24

-           Changes to record row saving for clarity.


Version beta1 -           2012-06-12

-           Updated to JQuery 1.7.2, Highcharts 2.2.5, Bootstrap 2.0.4

-           Major interface rewrite

-           Major database restructure


Version 0.16Alpha -2012-04-06

-           Updates to About page

-           User registration changes


Version 0.15Alpha -   2012-03-19

-           Allow BLQ as an observation value (below limit of quantitation)

-           Default DV choice is now correctly selected when multiple DVs are available for calculation

-           Enabled account invitation request

-           Updated Bootstrap from 2.01 to 2.0.2

-           Updated Highcharts from 2.1.9 to 2.2.1


Version 0.14Alpha -   2012-03-12

-           Grammar correction

-           Fixed a bug where IT doses were displayed as IV


Version 0.13Alpha - 2012-03-09

-           Fixed a bug where a dependent variable could be selected without an associated observation being present

-           Added a y-axis minimum of 1e-6


Version 0.12Alpha -   2012-03-08

-           Fixed a bug where the wrong age would show when editing some patients

-           Prevented duplicate NHIs being saved

-           Fixed a Chrome/IE bug where observation and dose types were not showing


Version 0.11Alpha -   2012-03-08

-           Fixed a bug where units were not printed to the csv file

-           Added validation of infusion duration (limits 0-30 hours)

-           Corrected a spelling error and position of the calculate help balloon

-           Highlighting of entire row when an error is present

-           Added new observations types for methotrexate (creatinine, hb, hct, lv dose,

                        lymphocyte, monocyte, platelets, rbc, seg. neutrophil, sodium)

- Corrected graphical output


Version 0.1Alpha -     2012-03-07

-           Major rewrite of development interface and backend code

-           Beginning of version control

Copyright All rights reserved | Developed by Sam Holford & Nick Holford 2012-2024