Home | Installation | Control Streams | Bootstrap
| Randomization Test | Visual
Predictive Check | Autocovariate | Files | References
Last Updated: 21 January 2021
A visual predictive check (VPC) is
used for non-linear mixed effect model evaluation and communication of results
for time to event data. In contrast to VPCs used for evaluation of continuous
data the principle of a VPC is to compare the time course of a statistic
derived from event times such as the survivor function with the distribution
percentiles of the derived statistic obtained simulated event times e.g. 95%
interval of Kaplan-Meier estimates of the survivor function.
WFN provides a mechanism for creating
VPCs using NONMEM and R. A Windows batch command file is used to run NONMEM and
R. It must be edited to specify the NM-TRAN control stream name for simulation
of event times, a data set for observed event times and plotting options for
the resulting output.
The VPC run folder contains the
NM-TRAN simulation control stream for simulating the model and producing
simulated event times.
The files nmvpc2r.awk, T2E_OBS.R,
T2E_VPC.R and T2E_VPC_Functions.R files must be located in the run folder
containing a Windows batch command file (e.g. named ttevpc.bat)
to run the VPC simulation and plotting process. These files should be
copied from the %WFNHOME%\bin\tte folder. An example
batch command file can be found in %WFNHOME%\bin\tte\warfarin_TTE.
WFN must be installed with NONMEM and
a Fortran compiler. The R system must be installed with the path to the R.exe
executable file in the file search path. This can be verified by typing ‘rgui’
at the command prompt in a WFN window. The R path may be set in wfn.bat
near line 60 e.g.
set RPATH=C:\Apps\R\R-4.0.3\bin\x64
The NM-TRAN simulation control stream
and the ttevpc.bat file will need to be customized before running a Windows
batch command file such as ttevpc.bat.
No R packages need to be installed.
VPCs are created using a pair of R scripts. These are called by ttevpc.bat
using R in batch mode. The VPCs created by ttevpc.bat are saved as pdf
When ttevpc.bat is run a tmp_vpc.R
script is available which can be sourced in R by users who want to explore how ttevpc
is working or modify the R script to customize the output.
A VPC is constructed from the observed
event times used for estimation of the likelihood of the event times and
simulated values predicted from the final estimates of the model used for
The data required to
describe the observed events should include ID, TIME, DVID, DV and MDV data
items. The DVID item must be set to a value corresponding to that used in the
simulation control stream that identifies the event record.
The NM-TRAN control stream
is typically based on a model used to estimate the hazard in the observed event
data set. Use nmctl.bat to put the final estimates from the model for
the event hazard into the control stream used to run that model e.g.
nmctl warf_INR_est.ctl
Copy the control stream
containing the final estimates to another folder e.g.from an est folder used
for parameter estimation to a tte folder (the VPC folder). This provides a base
to use the same model structure for event simulation. It is suggested you use a
different name from the estimation model control stream e.g.
mkdir tte
copy est\warf_INR_est.ctl tte\warf_INR_sim.ctl
Change to the VPC folder
and edit the control stream
cd tte
edit warf_INR_sim.ctl
The following changes
should be made to use the observed event data for the tte VPC and convert the
estimation control stream into one suitable for event simulation:
Copy the observed event data
file to the VPC folder.
Create code for detecting
simulated events. There are 2 simulation specific sections (ICALL.EQ.4) which
will need to incorporated into the model used to estimate the hazard. An
example is provided here: %WFNHOME%\vpc\tte\template_TTE_sim.ctl file
Home | Installation | Control Streams | Bootstrap
| Randomization Test | Visual
Predictive Check | Autocovariate | Files | References