NextDose: A web-based Bayesian dose forecasting tool




Target Concentration

24 h area under the curve (unbound concentration) greater than 100 mg/L*h/MIC (Santimaleeworagun, Changpradub et al. 2021)

“the MIC median (MIC50), MIC for 90% growth (MIC90), and range for linezolid were 1.5 µg/mL, 2 µg/mL, and 0.72 - 2 µg/mL, respectively” (Santimaleeworagun, Changpradub et al. 2021)

The NextDose default MIC for linezolid is 2 mg/L. The MIC can be changed by adding MIC observations to patient data.

The occasion by occasion table of parameters and other variables shows the Bayesian estimate of clearance (CL L/h), the % difference of the Bayesian clearance from the group clearance value (fCL%), the Bayesian estimate of volume of distribution (V L), the % difference of the Bayesian volume from the group volume value (fV%), the Bayesian estimate of bioavailability (F), the % difference of the Bayesian bioavailability from the group bioavailability value (fF%), the predicted fat free mass (FFM kg), the predicted renal function (RF%), the minimum inhibitory concentration used for the target (MIC) and the Bayesian estimate of the baseline platelet count (PLT0).


Santimaleeworagun, W., D. Changpradub, J. Hemapanpairoa and S. Thunyaharn (2021). "Optimization of linezolid dosing regimens for treatment of vancomycin-resistant enterococci infection." Infection & chemotherapy 53(3): 503.

Copyright All rights reserved | Developed by Sam Holford & Nick Holford 2012-2024