NextDose: A web-based Bayesian dose forecasting tool




Last updated 29 November 2024

Tēnā koe, Greetings NextDose User,

Our records show that you have an account with NextDose and have been using NextDose for the purposes of treating patients or training. We value your support. This communication relates to a change in data storage arrangements for NextDose, and your rights in relation to this change. It also describes the responsibilities of those using NextDose and those maintaining and developing NextDose.

What is the change?

The NextDose platform is currently hosted securely by the University of Auckland as the NextDose data processor. From mid-February 2025, the NextDose platform will be hosted securely by the University of Otago as the new NextDose data processor.  This change will require the University of Auckland to securely transfer all NextDose data, including your data and patient data, to the University of Otago. 

What are your rights in relation to this change? 

As the person who has entered data into NextDose you are known as the data controller. You have the right to disagree with this change, and to advise us that you do not want your NextDose data to be transferred to the University of Otago. You have two options:

  1. If you agree with this change – You do not need to do anything, but we encourage you to confirm your choice by completing this brief survey:

If we do not hear from you by 5pm New Zealand Standard Time (NZST) on 9th February 2025, we will take this as your authorisation for the change, and we will include your NextDose data in the transfer.

Your access to NextDose will continue as normal apart from an interruption of around 24 h at the time of the data transfer. You will be notified of the date and time of the transfer by email and on the NextDose login page at least 2 days prior to the transfer.

  1. If you do not agree with this change– Please let us know that you do not authorise this change by completing this brief survey by 5pm NZST on 9th February 2025:

Note: In your response, please provide us with your First Name, Last Name and the email address linked to your NextDose account. Once we have verified that you have authority in relation to your NextDose account, we will take the steps set out below.

What happens if you do not authorise this change?

If you have advised us that you do not authorise this change, the following will happen:

Additional Information

No Change to Patient Identifiers

Patient identifiers are used and stored by NextDose as follows:

  1. Data entered by the NextDose user for clinical guidance may contain user supplied patient identifiers which are stored in the NextDose SQL database. The user supplied patient identifier is for the benefit of the NextDose user and the patient. Patient identifiers provided by the user are needed to identify the patient in the report requested by the NextDose user. This is important to make sure the NextDose user can correctly link the patient with the NextDose report.
  2. Data stored on the NextDose server hard disk used to calculate results for the NextDose user and for any subsequent research purposes is separate from the NextDose SQL database. This non-database data is de-identified by not including the user supplied patient identifier. However, it contains a unique numerical NextDose identifier. Both the NextDose user supplied patient identifier and the unique NextDose identifier appear on the NextDose results report provided to the NextDose user.

No changes will be made to these two types of identifiers. This change will not have any impact on your use or experience of the NextDose platform. As your data processor, the University of Otago will ensure that NextDose data is protected by appropriate technical and organisational security measures.

Responsibilities of those using NextDose

NextDose provides information about predicted doses based on criteria specified by the NextDose user. The doses are provided to guide clinicians responsible for treatment to choose an appropriate dose and dosing interval based on their clinical knowledge and judgement. NextDose cannot take responsibility for the clinician choices of dose or subsequent patient outcome. If NextDose users think the information provided by NextDose is misleading or incorrect they should notify the NextDose data processor (see below) without delay. NextDose users (data controllers) are responsible for data they enter into NextDose. This includes having the appropriate authority from organisations such as hospitals or clinics to enter confidential patient information. NextDose users may request access to data for audit or research purposes by application to the NextDose data processor. Appropriate ethics and research approvals to transfer and use the data for audit or research is the responsibility of the data controller.

Responsibilities of those maintaining and developing NextDose

The NextDose processor will endeavour to maintain continuous access to the NextDose web interface. Notifications will be made on the NextDose login page when important changes are made (additional drugs, functional enhancements, bug fixes). The NextDose processor makes no guarantee about the functionality of NextDose.

Contact information

The NextDose data processor may be contacted by email at

If you are unsure about this change, or would like more information about it, please feel free to contact the NextDose processor by email ( to discuss this before you make your decision. Please ensure that you allow enough time to provide your final survey response by 5pm NZST on 9th February 2025. The survey can be accessed here:


Nāku, | Yours sincerely

NextDose team

Nick Holford

Sam Holford

Hesham Al-Sallami